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Anugerah kami membuktikan lebih dari sekadar perkataan. Tetapi berikut adalah beberapa perkara yang mungkin anda berminat untuk dengar:
Instrumen kewangan perdagangan ada dalam DNA kami. Selama lebih dari 10 tahun, Xtrade telah membantu pelanggan membuat keputusan perdagangan, mengakses kecairan dan menguruskan risiko. Kami menghubungkan rakan niaga dengan perdagangan tradisional CFD yang terkemuka di pasaran kepada saham, komoditi, forex dan indeks. Kekuatan institusi kami, kepakaran praktikal, teknologi komprehensif dan rangkaian yang tiada tandingannya membolehkan kami memberikan platform perdagangan global yang hebat bila-bila dan di mana sahaja pelanggan memerlukannya. Xtrade menawarkan sokongan sepanjang masa dan memberikan penyelesaian bertaraf dunia kepada pelanggannya di lebih dari 25 negara.
Kami menyediakan platform perdagangan canggih yang terdapat pada Web dan Telefon Mudah Alih. Ini membolehkan pelanggan kami menguruskan aktiviti perdagangan dari deposit hingga pengeluaran, dari mana-mana tempat mereka di dunia.
Sumber kewangan dan pemantauan kawal selia yang kukuh
By establishing solid relationships with many of the biggest international banks, we are able to ensure our clients receive a first-class trading experience. This has also enabled us to expand our client base, generate increased trading volume and provide vast liquidity to our clients at superior prices. Our ongoing and continual expansion of financial service offerings — including multi-language support, multi-currency and multiple payment methods — ensures that our customers enjoy a unique trading experience.Harga dan pelaksanaan dagangan yang kompetitif
We have worked hard to ensure our pricing always remains competitive and transparent. To minimize buy/sell spreads and automate trade execution, we have devoted over a decade of investment in cutting-edge technology.Alami platform dagangan generasi akan datang
Our state-of-the-art trading platform grants you unparalleled access to the CFD market and offers all of the necessary tools and features to optimize your experience and make the most out of your CFD trading. Our cloud-based technology ensures your access from any device and location. With servers and backups around the globe, you are assured of anywhere anytime order execution.Pusat sokongan 24 jam
We are dedicated to offering best-of-breed support and believe that ultimately, our success is measured by our clients' success. Our commitment to high quality customer service is thus both a driving force and a manifestation of this understanding. Our friendly and experienced 24-hour support team offers comprehensive solutions for all customer requirements.Majulah dengan alat dagangan yang unik dan inovatif
To ensure that our clients have the best tools available to make smart and informed trading decisions, we offer the following online features:Nikmati pelbagai Instrumen kewangan
We provide the most comprehensive trading environment possible for our clients! We offer the opportunity to trade CFDs on the widest range of underlying assets available, including: Shares, Commodities, Forex, Indices and ETFs.In financial trading, a segregated account is an account in which the trader's assets are kept separate—or segregated—from the broker's assets. Segregated accounts are crucial to CFD trading. At Xtrade, a client's funds are segregated and safeguarded by reputable Credit Institutions. Additionally, Xtrade continuously monitors its operations as per its regulatory requirements and submitting of financial reports. Xtrade encrypts all transactions with the state-of-the-art 256-bit SSL Bank Standard Secure Socket Layer. Other security measures include a True-Site identity assurance seal, AICPA WebTrust compliance, and regular testing of the company website's identity theft and credit card safeguards.
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